Category Archives: Education

Book Review – Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day

In my opinion, the flipped classroom is a great instructional model. In Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day* by Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams, they take you through their experiences of flipping high school chemistry classes. Bergmann and Sams are the two that really put flipped instruction on the map.  Read the rest of this entry

Book Review: Democracy and Education

One of the last books I needed to read for Modern Mrs. Darcy 2016 challenge was a book that intimated me. Well, that book happened to be Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education* by John Dewey. Over the winter break, I spent three days having an in-depth conversation with Mr. Dewey. I will not kid you, it was exhausting. After the three days, I was wiped out.

Dewey has some wonderful ideas about education, but in my opinion, he makes you work for each one of them.  Read the rest of this entry

Book Review: Assessment for Excellence: The Philosophy and Practice of Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education

During the fall 2016 term, I taught a graduate level course for the University of Wyoming on program planning and evaluation. I used the book list that had already been prepared for the course, the books included Developing Programs in Adult Education: A Conceptual Programming ModelProgram Planning and Evaluation for the Public Manager, and Assessment for Excellence: The Philosophy and Practice of Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education*.  I have previously reviewed the first two books and now will provide my thought on Assessment for Excellence. The first time I read Assessment for Excellence was for this class. I was quite pleased with the book and the learners in the class also found the book to be quite informative and beneficial. Read the rest of this entry

Book review: Program Planning and Evaluation for the Public Manager

As part of a graduate course on program planning and evaluation for the University of Wyoming, I had the class read Program Planning and Evaluation for the Public Manager* by Ronald Sylvia and Kathleen Sylvia. I found this book to be very practical and a great foundational book for the class. The authors provided a straight forward look at program planning and evaluation. While it is not a comprehensive book on the topic, it does point out important elements to keep in mind for someone new to the idea of program planning. It serves as a starting point. I would continue to use it in future courses.  Read the rest of this entry

Book Review – Developing Programs in Adult Education: A Conceptual Programming Model (2nd Edition)

This is the second time that I’ve had an opportunity to read Boone, Safrit, and Jones’ book, Developing Programs in Adult Education: A Conceptual Programming Model (2nd Edition). The first time I read it,  I was a grad student taking Dr. Cliff Harbour’s course on program planning and evaluation.  The second time is while teaching the same course to graduate students for the University of Wyoming. I have mixed feelings about this book because I am looking at it and two different frames of reference. On one hand, I’m looking at it from an academic perspective and on the other hand, from a practical perspective. Read the rest of this entry