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Show off your team with Instagram and Twitter images

Photographing a sunsetYesterday, I launched an event to showcase the cool things our University of Wyoming Extension employees were doing during the month of October. Here are the details:

For our first Instagram assignment: UWyo Extension, October 2014 (#UWyoExtOct2014)
Show us what you do in support of University of Wyoming Extension on Instagram @uwcesedtech  #UWyoExtOct2014. Take the picture, get all the info — name, position, and location — put it all in the caption, and tag it @uwcesedtech  #UWyoExtOct2014

Please tag photos with those tags on Instagram or Twitter between now and October 31. We will look through and pick photos to be featured.  Remember, you don’t have to be a professional photographer to participate. This is your chance to share what you do!

-Have fun but also professionally reflect the University of Wyoming Extension.
-Do not post personal information about other people, such as full name, location, address, phone number, etc.
-Share your University of Wyoming Extension story with us and have fun!

When I sent this message out, I fully realized that not everyone knew how to do this. Naturally, someone called me out for more details. Read the rest of this entry

#nexconf Presentation: Leveraging Pinterest and Instagram for Extension Work

Picture worth a thousand wordsWhile at the National Extension Conference, I had an opportunity to catch an informative session on Pinterest given by Amy Hays and Sara Baughman. I also caught the tail end of a session on Instagram also given by Amy Hays. Since I did not see the session in Sacramento, I just finished watching the Instagram session at; lots of great information. Here is more details on the different sessions:

My session notes for Pinterest and Instagram.

Additional sessions worth watching:

Read the rest of this entry

Three new learning guides: Instagram, Tumblr, and WordPress

Just finished building three new learning guides on Instagram, Tumblr, and WordPress. Basically, the guides are a collection of articles with ideas to get you pointed in the right direction if you are interested in using these tools. They are part of an ever growing series that you can find at Here are the new learning guides:

Not only do these guides provide links to the programs and beginner guides. They also have articles discussing how to use the programs to support education, businesses, and non-profits. Additionally, there are tips and suggestions for using advanced features.

If you have a specific topic that you want me to explore, let me know.