Blog Archives

Book Review: Email Marketing Demystified – Build a Massive Mailing List, Write Copy that Converts and Generate More Sales

A few weeks ago, listening to Entrepreneurs on Fire led me to another great book to read. This book discusses the importance of controlling your own email list. The book is called Email Marketing Demystified: Build a Massive Mailing List, Write Copy that Converts and Generate More Sales* and was written by Matthew Paulson. By maintaining his own email list and monetizing it, Paulson put together an annual revenue of $2.5 million. Got your attention? Read the rest of this entry

Movin’, movin’, movin’ – So much to do

Moving DayWell, I am down to my last hour working for the University of Wyoming Extension. I am on my way to Jamestown, NY. In preparation for the move, I have been focusing on making the transition as smooth as possible. Even though I have moved a number of times in the past, it is always a chore. However, technology has made this move a little easier while at the same time created more things to do. Read the rest of this entry

Mastering my email with Boomerang and a couple of other tweaks

Mastering emailFirst of all, I would like to thank Steve Dotto for the latest tips of technology wisdom; they have already had a huge impact on my email box. In a previous post, I wrote about keeping an empty email box as well as other email strategies. Honestly, I continue to struggle with keeping an empty email box; although, I have been significantly improving. My improvement is based on a couple of recent tweaks that I picked up while watching some of Steve Dotto’s videos. Let me share what I have learned. Read the rest of this entry

Tubarks Tales, Episode #9

This is another episode of Tubarks Tales; I will be talking about where I get some inspiration as well as some cool tools. Read the rest of this entry

Tubarks Tales, Episode #7

This is another episode of Tubarks Tales; I will be talking about my processing for starting each work day . Read the rest of this entry