Category Archives: Teaching

Book Review – Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day

In my opinion, the flipped classroom is a great instructional model. In Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day* by Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams, they take you through their experiences of flipping high school chemistry classes. Bergmann and Sams are the two that really put flipped instruction on the map.  Read the rest of this entry

Book Review: Ready, Set, Curate

In 2014, I had an opportunity to sit in on a presentation by Ben Betts and Allison Anderson at the American Society for Training & Development conference on using curation to support learning. I was, therefore, pleased to pick up the book called Ready, Set, Curate: 8 Learning Experts Tell You How* edited by Ben Betts and  Allison Anderson because it expanded upon what they presented at the conference. I agree with them that curation is a 21st-century digital literacy skill that everyone should master. With the amount of content that is available and continues to be created, we need a way to discover, filter, organize, add value, and share with others. We need a way to make sense of all this information, and curation is such a method. Read the rest of this entry

Book Review: Evidence-based Training Methods – A Guide for Training Professionals

Very simply put, if you educate others whether in higher ed, Extension, or as a volunteer, I strongly recommend you pick up a copy and read Evidence-Based Training Methods: A Guide for Training Professionals* by Ruth Colvin Clark. Actually, I recommend that you pick up the second edition because it has recently came out, and I am quite confident new topics have been discussed and recent research added. Clark basically pooled research together to explain best instructional practices along with busting common instructional myths in a very readable tone. Her book reflected the lessons she shared throughout the book. This is another book that will hold a key place in my reference library. Read the rest of this entry

Book Review: The Webinar Manifesto

While at the ASTD Conference 2013 in Dallas, I sat in on a presentation given by Matt Murdoch on the Webinar Manifesto. The topic was interesting enough to follow up and purchase the book. The purpose of The Webinar Manifesto* written by Matt Murdoch and Treion Muller is to encourage people to not create Webinars that suck. Or in their words, “We’re against Zombie webinars.” Read the rest of this entry