Category Archives: Fiction

Book Review: Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets

As part of Modern Mrs. Darcy’s reading challenge, I was tasked to read 3 books from the same author. As I explained in my post about Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, I chose JK Rowling as my featured author. Last night, I just finished reading Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets. This book was as entertaining as the first book of the series. Read the rest of this entry

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Well, I finally caught up to the hype and read my first Harry Potter book. Even though I have watched all the movies, I was quite entertained by J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone*. I was able to quickly see why it became a bestseller. It was easy to read and understand but it also kept moving a fair clip. Read the rest of this entry

Book Review: The Scarlet Letter

To end 2016 and to meet a Modern Mrs. Darcy reading challenge category, I elected to read The Scarlet Letter* by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The Scarlet Letter is a book that I should have read in high school but never did. If it were not for the challenge, I am not sure I would have ever picked up this book. However, now that I have read it, I am glad I did. Because I was under a deadline, I finished the book in one sitting. Overall, I enjoyed the story even though I had hoped for a different ending. Read the rest of this entry

Book Review: Fahrenheit 451

It has been over 20 years since I read a fiction book. Fahrenheit 451: A Novel was a great book to start off with. It is a book I probably should have read while in high school. Fahrenheit 451 is 65 years old and its message is still relevant in 2016. Read the rest of this entry